Our Process – old

What To Expect

When you call, (or email), one of our friendly office staff will schedule a time for an estimator to meet you. Appointments are typically from 9-5 weekdays, but after 5 and Saturday appointments are available on request.  It is important to meet the homeowner to happily answer all your questions and give you a quote for services that will actually solve your problem.  We will not ask for a commitment at the time of the estimate we will not give you a fake discount if you sign up that day or use other sleazy sales gimmicks, but encourage you to think it over and make a decision you are comfortable with - our quotes are good for thirty days.  We call this our “Aunt Wanda sales approach”.


Once you have a plan you wish to accept, contact our office and they will help you finalize your paperwork and get you on our list of jobs waiting to be scheduled.  Once we have your signed proposal and deposit, you will be put on our master list and wait until your job can be scheduled.  During ‘normal’ times of the year this should only be one to three weeks.  Smaller, simpler jobs are easier to fit in to the schedule, and larger, more complicated jobs take longer. During our busier times of the year, usually the Autumn months, it may take many weeks to get to your job.  Your salesman will give you a time frame when you accept your proposal.  While you’re waiting for your installation date, we are busy signing up new customers and getting previous jobs completed, so you probably won’t hear from us.  If you are curious about your status, feel free to call or email the office.


When your job is ready to be installed, we will call you the day before and let you know.  Each crew can usually complete three jobs each day, but occasionally they don’t make it to the third job because the first two were more complicated and took longer than expected.  In that case you will get a call from the office and put on the schedule again.  The schedule is made each week, combining jobs in the same area to maximize efficiency.  Your job will be back in the mix for the next weeks schedule, combining it with the next houses on the list in your neighborhood.


When the installation crew arrives, they will know exactly what to do based on the information you discussed with the salesman, so it is not necessary that you take off work and be home.  If you are home, our installers will knock on your door and introduce themselves - asking if you want to go over the job before beginning.  They will knock a second time to let you know the job is complete.


We don’t expect payment at completion but will send you an invoice, either mailed or emailed.  If you purchased a product with guarantees, we will follow up and get you instructions on how to register them.


Next time it rains you can make a cup of coffee and watch out the windows to watch the rain go where it is supposed to.


If there is an issue, please call and we will address it.  Steve, the owner, will come out personally and correct it. If it is a problem not caused by the gutters, he will direct you to a company that can solve it.


This is our formula for making you a 100% happy customer.

For a Free Estimate

Don't Take Our Word for It...

Customers have been raving about our service for over 30 years!

Ready to Get Started? Still have questions?

Are you ready to say goodbye to leaves and debris collecting in your gutters? Talk to one of our experienced office staff today to request your quote!


East Lansing, 48823